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Audio is a key aspect of virtual and augmented realities, however, because of the dominance of the visual sense, it is often overlooked, under-budgeted and considered at a late stage in the creation of healthcare and other applications. This article seeks to raise awareness for the importance of high-quality audio in healthcare applications by showing […]


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This is the first of our video logs recorded in 360 degree spherical video format. In the lead up to our road trip across Australia and South East Asia I went out to test the Ricoh Theta S and my new Zoom F8 field recorder. These are the results.


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A burn wound patient receiving treatment with virtual reality distraction used as analgesia – Source* How I got into creating the Atmopshaeres Many people have asked me how I got into creating 360 degree speherical videos for virtual relaxation purposes and I thought that it is about time that I explain some of my professional background as […]


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Lissa Rankin, MD about the self-healing powers of our mind and body I have rarely seen such a convincing argument for the self-healing powers of the body as in this brilliant talk by Lissa Rankin at TEDx American Riviera 2012. She bases her argument on over 3500 scientific research studies that she has reviewed and throughout […]


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    I recently went to the Kolor headquarters in Francin in the Rhône-Alpes region in south-eastern France to get some specialised training in 360 video production. I am proud to say that I am now Europe’s first Kolor certified trainer for 360 video production. Take a look at the blog post on Kolor’s website or […]


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Last week I received the author’s copies of the 2 CD’s that the Lingen Verlag has arranged into a compilation for their ‘Das tut mir gut‘ mindfulness blog (i.e. ‘that’s good for me’). I’m very happy to work with the wonderful people at the Lingen Verlag as well as Jutta Vogt-Tegen, author of the Das tut mir Gut blog. I […]